Sunday, January 12

Tag: Motivation

Family Life, Financial Life, Health Life, Personal Life, Work Life

A Flippin’ Good Life!

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2 It is God's desire that you prosper, in every area of your everyday life. In your marriage, with your children, in your work and finances, in your health and soul, in your friendships.  John in his older years sees with perspective about what is important in life - not the achievement of goals, ambitions or the accumulation of wealth only. But a holistic life that is on an upward journey. A healthy and prospering life will always end up being fruitful, productive, and achieving of ambitions.  But put the focus the other way around and life becomes self-consuming. There are 3 things that stand in the way of us seeing our lives prosperous or desiring this for others: 1. Doubt
Personal Life

Remotivating your Ministry

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." John 10:11 There comes the challenge to us all at different moments - what are we ministering for? Is it the people, or have we grown a little weary of this - has it now become the money, our identity, prestige, obligation, duty? Clearly ministry is about love for your people. So firstly you have to have 'your people' - its much harder to love and keep the motivation right when its somebody elses' people. Gather your own people, and continue to see them as yours. The last thing you do is step out of your role. It is very rare that ever needs to be done. It is possible to refresh your ministry and motivation on the go.  In fact we need to learn to do this so we are regularly adjusting and repairing and not s
Work Life

Goal setting

10 goal setting tips to focus on today from Human Resources expert, Susan M. Heathfield: 1. Own the goal you are working towards – it’s your goal 2. Base your goals firmly in your values 3. Believe you can accomplish the goal 4. Paint a vivid picture of what the outcome is to look like 5. Write your goals down 6. Share your goals with people who are important to you and you trust 7. Check goal setting and achievement progress regularly 8. Take action to identify and eliminate obstacles to goal setting success 9. Reward yourself and celebrate goal accomplishment 10. Be prepared to change the goals if circumstances have changed
Work Life


"Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich." Henry Ford, founder of The Ford Motor Company. The power of focus is way more than simply knowing what you want and how you want it. Focus keeps your eye on the right things and off the distractions. It fuels high level of motivation required to achieve the most ambitious of desires. Right now why don't you write down in a clear and concise way where you want your career to end up. What will it look like. Then add faith to the equation. Keep that goal firmly in your mind, ask God to help you achieve it and be clear that it will happen. Focus will activate faith, it will de-clutter your life of other possibilities and activities. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things ...