Tuesday, February 18

Tag: step out of the boat

Jesus only?

Jesus only?

It is post-Easter. Jesus has risen. He has met with his disciples a couple of times. In the absence of knowing what next, the disciples keep a semblance of a routine going. Always a good thing when your world is upside down, to remain consistent in healthy routines. 7 go fishing. They catch nothing all night! Not good when half the crew are experienced fisherman. Someone calls from the shore telling them to cast the net out on the other side and try again. Curious, tired, bewildered, they do it. They catch a catch of a lifetime. The nets are bursting. Fish jumping all over the place. But get this. See what Peter does. ... they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord